Woah, Good Morning People! Yesterday din't go school.. AGAIN! =[ Fucked..... Lol
Okay imma do a quick update and then edited more tonight, For my plans for this blog
Tonight: A change of blogskin + some secrets of how i took care of my looks will be revealed!
Tomorrow (Friday) to next next wednesday (9) days, i will be making Snsd Dictonary, for those snsd fans Woots!
Sat Sun: Tune in to this blog guys, there will be some entertaining video, (Dance, and Guangy Tv!, a new type of video i will be putting it into my blog for all of your entertainment purpose, look forward to it people! there will be joy, laughter, sometimes tears! because its a series of life, not only revolving around me, but everyone!)
Hmm wow such a busy life i have, including school, but i love my life, say no to dota everyday after school!
Okay Look forward to tonight for my post! see you guys later after school!
Hmm Haven been sleeping much lately, Dance schedule so tight, with school, with life, argh! anyway, To all Readers, Dance of this month is going to be its you (Suju) and a secret song! keep guessing! ahahahaha
After Feb, i'll be officialy accepting all request from people who want me to dance any K-pop music! (Dance music please, no tinkerbell etc, actually i can dance to it LOL)
Anyway, Merry Xmas! time to post some pictures of myself!, going to post again in 2 days later or tomorrow because i have really nice stuff to share with you all!